by Mark Hempshell | 26th July 2011 | Making Money
This week I want to talk to you about what is a really neat way that you can make money from self publishing with Amazon. But hold on. You might have heard about selling other people’s books on Amazon. But I’m pretty sure you won’t have heard of this method before....
by Mark Hempshell | 18th July 2011 | Making Money
When the sun comes out, everything changes. Just those few degrees make all the difference. People are smiling . . . thoughts turn to holidays . . . lighter evenings. Here at Canonbury offices, we have the windows open listening to some wonderful old ska and rock...
by Mark Hempshell | 30th June 2011 | Making Money
Every cloud has a silver lining so they say. And that’s true even in a recession. Well here’s a big black cloud that could have a nice little silver lining for you… if you follow my advice. If you’ve been into any new car dealerships lately you’ll know things...
by Mark Hempshell | 26th June 2011 | Making Money
Try not to be jealous. But this week I’m not actually in the grey, cold, rainy, miserable UK. I’m sunning myself in the beautiful Canary Islands. (Yes, the weather’s lovely, thank you very much for asking!) And best of all, I’m not actually paying for my trip! It’s...
by Mark Hempshell | 26th May 2011 | Making Money
As I often say, you can make extra money from writing without doing any ‘proper writing’. And here is a great way you can do so, simply by playing games. I’m talking about writing puzzles. It’s something that could be a lot of fun, and a way to earn a few extra...
by Mark Hempshell | 19th May 2011 | Making Money
So how do you make money from writing and photography if you aren’t an expert? It’s been great weather my end over the last week (I hope it’s been good for you too!) So, I decided to escape from my desk, get out and about in the countryside and take a few...
by Mark Hempshell | 26th February 2011 | Making Money
I want to tell you how you can make a pot of money now. I know you’ll probably call me a bit of an old miser for saying this. But quite apart from writing, as many of you will know, one of my favourite things to do is sourcing things cheaply. It’s...