I want to tell you how you can make a pot of money now.
I know you’ll probably call me a bit of an old miser for saying this. But quite apart from writing, as many of you will know, one of my favourite things to do is sourcing things cheaply. It’s something that can turn a tidy profit and I pride myself on always being able to get a good deal.
As well as cheap I like to think I’m pretty good at finding things for FREE as well.
Take music for example. I haven’t bought a CD for years now. I really don’t see any point. When you can listen to any type of music any time you like on YouTube or Spotify… all perfectly legally.
I haven’t bought any tea or coffee for ages either. Yet my kitchen cupboard is always stocked with an extensive range of specialty teas and coffees from around the world. Courtesy of such generous benefactors as Holiday Inn, Best Western andTravelodge.
My bathroom is well stocked with soap, shower gel and those plastic glasses in little polythene bags too.
And I have to admit it. I do get particular enjoyment from receiving a letter with an unfranked stamp.
Those self-adhesive stamps used to peel off so easily until sneaky Royal Mail changed the design of them recently. No need to even spend money on boiling a kettle. (Not that I would ever do anything so dishonest as re-using an unfranked stamp. I just wanted to see if it would work in theory.)
Little freebies like this are good to get of course. They give you a nice warm feeling inside. But there’s a limit to how excited you can be about getting a free stamp or sachet of coffee.
If you would like something REALLY worthwhile for free you will love this.
Make money now
How do you fancy getting some cold, hard cash for free? I know it sounds unlikely. But the fact is, if you know where to look, you really can get many £hundreds or even £thousands of pounds a year totally free.
If you would like to know exactly how to find this free money you need to take a look at my latest report ….
The Free Money Guide.
The Free Money Guide is a comprehensive directory that reveals not just a handful but 266 different, little known sources of FREE MONEY.
Free money that could be yours by right, and which is waiting for you to claim right now.
You can find out more here:
The Free Money Guide
I’m not just talking about state benefits either. Although there are MILLIONS in benefits most people don’t know about and never claim. I’m mainly talking about free money and help from hundreds of little-known secret sources… from the government to local councils, from charities and foundations, from private companies, from the National Lottery and the European Union.
Prizes, grants, awards, scholarships, free loans, free products and services that sort of thing. Real free money and help. That you’re perfectly entitled to. And that you can set about claiming today.
It’s not difficult to do. A lot of this free money can be claimed just by making a simple phone call. You don’t even have to fill in a form. In most cases it’s completely effortless and embarrassment-free too! Don’t for a moment think you’ll be reading about how to claim free airline eyeshades, samples of hand cream or those handy little plastic gloves they give out free at petrol stations either. (Though I have to admit it they come in very useful around the house.) No!
The Free Money
There’s every chance there’s a share of this free money pot waiting for you. Why not have a look and find out? Here’s that link again:
The Free Money Guide
I’ll be back in touch on Tuesday with more advice on how you can earn money from writing.
Until then, enjoy that free cash.