Free advertising!

Local Business Accelerators or LBA is a scheme set up by the regional and local press to help boost local businesses. £15million of free advertising will be given away to the very best fledgling businesses across the UK, who will also receive mentoring support from local business leaders.

The contest is open to all businesses that are active in the local community, between one and three years old.

Each regional newspaper will select up to three businesses to receive free advertising and mentoring support, so around 1,500 business are expected to benefit from LBA.

There will also be one overall winner: The Newspaper Society and Deborah Meaden, the famous dragon from Dragons’ Den, will review all the regional winners and select the one entry they feel most deserves to win the personal mentoring prize.

The deadline for entries is 14 November 2011 and you can enter the competition online here.

Good luck!