Publishing has long been a good way to make money. The technology behind publishing may have changed dramatically over the last couple of decades, from paper based to digital, but the basic principles are the same – you can make money from publishing and selling information.
Start Your Own Publishing Business
The even better news is that today you don’t need a printing press and £££s of capital to succeed in publishing. Here are some simple ways to get started:
* Start a local newspaper or magazine. This is a really great way to get started in publishing which could be profitable… and also help your local community too.
You’ll need… some sources for local news and views. Ask local community groups and clubs to send you their announcements. You’ll also need some advertisers willing to advertise – approach local businesses.
A local newspaper doesn’t need expensive design and printing. You can do it all on a PC and get copies run off cheaply at an instant print shop. Drop your newspaper free, door to door.
Here’s an article you might find useful if you’re interested in this: How To Create Your Own Local Newspaper.
* Print on demand publishing. Print on demand has made publishing a business you can get started in without having to invest £thousands on printing loads of books. Here’s how print on demand or POD works. You create your book. You send it to a POD publisher who holds it electronically on their servers. Then you promote your book in the normal way.
When a customer orders a copy your POD printer will print and ship their order directly. You don’t need to keep any copies in stock. You can even sell your books on Amazon and get them printed only when they sell.
For more detailed information on POD publishing have a look at this report: Become An Instant Publisher… With POD Publishing.
* Kindle books. Kindle books are electronic books that are published and sold on Amazon’s Kindle ebook reader. Amazon makes it easy for anybody to publish books and sell them on Kindle. Amazon will then pay you a commission for every download that sells. And remember, they are probably the biggest bookshop in the entire world!
Here’s an article that tells you more about publishing on Amazon: Cash In On The Kindle Craze.
* Publish an ezine or eletter. Put together a regular newsletter on a subject that interests you. Hobbies are a great subject area for newsletters. For example, you could publish a newsletter on anything from cookery to running, and from collecting to dog training. Offer free subscriptions – you’ll need to design a sign up page for the Internet and promote it. Ideally you’ll want to publish your newsletter every week.
To generate an income from your newsletter you can promote products using an affiliate scheme – ClickBank is an easy way to get started with affiliate schemes. It allows you to promote relevant books and courses being sold by other publishers in your newsletters and earn a commission every time one of your newsletter readers makes a purchase.
You can also create, publish and sell your own products through ClickBank if you wish. Then other publishers will be able to promote and sell your books and courses for you too.