Kindle book publishing has to be one of the hottest opportunities of the moment. Anybody can publish a Kindle ebook. You don’t need a lot of previous experience. You don’t need a lot of cash for printing and distribution. The market for Kindle ebooks is massive and growing fast.
What you need of course are some good ideas for books you could create. And not only that, but ideas that, a) won’t be too difficult to create, and b) will be good sellers.
To help get you started, here are ideas for not just one but eight different kinds of Kindle books which you could create and sell right now:
1. Travel guides. Travel guides are ideal for selling for Kindle because your customers can receive them instantly wherever they happen to be. Put together a guide for a place you’ve holidayed in and know well. Or do a tourist/visitor guide to your own local areas.
2. Cookery books. Put together a compilation of your own favourite recipes, and family recipes. People are always looking for new dishes to cook, or different ways of cooking old favourites. Again, you don’t need to be a writer to draw up recipes, just ensure your ingredients and instructions are accurate.
3. Children’s books. Children’s books are big sellers, and kids today aren’t fazed by using electronic devices. Better still, children’s stories don’t have to be long or have complicated plots so they’re not hard to write. Before you publish, get some ‘real live’ children to test drive them if you can – if they love them, chances are they’ll do well on Kindle.
4. Books of short stories. Writing a novel takes a lot of hard work and planning. But you don’t need many literary skills to write short stories. By putting several together into an anthology you can get a decent cover price for them.
5. Erotic books. Don’t ask me why, but apparently erotic books are some of the most popular on Kindle. If you’ve got an erotic story (or a collection of short stories) in you, this could be ideal for you!
Here’s some more information on this unique type of Kindle publishing: How to Make Money Writing Erotic eBooks
6. DIY manuals. Are you good at fixing things? Like washing machines, or WCs, or dripping taps? People are always willing to pay for this sort of information and frequently search the Internet for advice when they’re stuck with a problem, offering an easy sale.
7. Hobby books. Whatever the hobby, fans are generally keen to learn new tips, tricks and techniques. Books on subjects you know inside out are easy to write – you don’t need a lot of writing skills.
8. Self improvement books. Have you stopped smoking? Learned the secret of losing weight? Got an exercise plan that works for you? Conquered a fear like flying? Write up your tips and advice – make some money and help others at the same time.
I hope these eight ideas have inspired you to have a go at creating and selling a Kindle book of your own. If so, here are some more articles that you’ll find helpful:
Publish with Amazon and Cash in on The Kindle Craze
Profit From Publishing Fiction With Kindle