Plus Your Chance To Win A Share Of £250,000 From The 250K Challenge!

If I asked you to visualise your typical online entrepreneur you’d probably think of someone young, very tech. savvy… maybe someone right out of an IT course at college.

But according to a recent report by Nominet Trust that’s wide of the mark. And it seems that the age of the ‘oldpreneur’ could be just around the corner at last.

The rise of the Oldpreneur…

According to their report, Ageing and the Use of the Internet, around two in five people surveyed thought new entrepreneurs were most likely to be young, thrusting types between 25 and 34. But in fact they are MORE likely to be over the age of 55.

The study also says that since Internet use among over 65s is still currently quite low this age group is likely to be one of the fastest growing consumer groups online over the next few years. That’s well worth taking account of when you are looking for products and services to sell online.

In particular, the report confirms there is a pressing need for online products, services and technologies for older people to actually be designed by older entrepreneurs. That is, people who are likely to have a better understanding of what older age groups want and how they use the Internet.

To help encourage Internet entrepreneurs to serve this older market Nominet Trust has launched a competition for entrepreneurs over 55. The prize is a share of a funding ‘pot’ of £250,000 to help finance your project. You can apply for anything from £1,000 upwards and first stage applications need to be in by 1 February 2012.

You can find more details here. The Nominet Trust 250k Challenge