by Mark Hempshell | 23rd January 2013 | Making Money
Product Opportunity Of The Month! You might have noticed the massive growth in the use of LED lighting products at the moment. LED is appearing everywhere now – in domestic lighting, in outdoor lighting, in vehicles and in all kinds of household and novelty products....
by Mark Hempshell | 22nd January 2013 | Making Money
Have you noticed how cash-for-clothing shops seem to be springing up in most parts of the country right now? If you haven’t heard of them already they’re basically shops that buy second hand clothing – by weight. As far as I can tell they seem to be doing pretty well...
by Mark Hempshell | 16th January 2013 | Making Money
Personalised number plates have become really popular in recent years. Car owners will pay a lot of money to put a registration number on the car which reflects their name, job or car type rather than the standard, anonymous issue numbers. If you know how and where...
by Mark Hempshell | 16th January 2013 | Making Money
If you’re looking to source stock for eBay or any other business at lower-than-low wholesale prices, or if you’d like to start a profitable import-export business, then you ought to take a look at doing business with India! India is set to become an industrial and...
by Mark Hempshell | 8th January 2013 | Making Money
If you want to start a business project you’ll know that finance can often be a problem; you need money in order to make money. It’s a chicken-and-egg situation. But, if you know how and where, there are people that will give you the money to get started, or lend you...
by Mark Hempshell | 11th December 2012 | Making Money
What is StubHub!… and could you make extra money using the latest eBay service ? You don’t need me to tell you that eBay has literally revolutionised the business of buying and selling. In fact, it’s transformed buying and selling into a business opportunity...
by Mark Hempshell | 11th December 2012 | Making Money
Run your own easy home business buying and selling surplus stock Buy low-sell high is one of the simplest business models there is. And here’s a report on how you could run your own part or full time home business buying and selling surplus stock. Many thanks to a...
by Mark Hempshell | 6th December 2012 | Making Money
Every year thousands and thousands of people set out to look for a shared house or flat to live in …. or for others to share a house or flat they already rent or own. And thanks to the recession and high property prices and rents the shared housing sector is expected...
by Mark Hempshell | 28th November 2012 | Making Money
I know we haven’t got the Christmas rush out of the way (quite) yet – and yes, there are still opportunities to make money from the yuletide trade if you’re quick. But in business it’s always important to plan ahead, and that means thinking ahead to how you might make...
by Mark Hempshell | 28th November 2012 | Making Money
Are you interested in secret sourcing a house… for a massive discount? These sources are ideal whether you’d like to buy a house or flat to turn round and sell for a profit… or just to keep as an investment for the future. Or perhaps you’d just like to buy a bargain...
by Mark Hempshell | 21st November 2012 | Online
An alternative ClickBank business opportunity you might not have thought of! You probably know that ClickBank is a place to source digital products to sell for a commission. That’s the ClickBank opp that most people first think of. But here’s a different way of making...