by Mark Hempshell | 13th February 2013 | Making Money
3D printing is based on the idea that a 3D object is basically lots of 2D ‘slices’ stuck together. So if you print lots of 2D slices and ‘glue’ them together you can print a 3D object. 3D printing has been around a while now, but the equipment to do it has been very...
by Mark Hempshell | 13th February 2013 | Making Money
Could inventing a new product be a good way to make money? If you have a great idea for a new product – here’s how to make money from it. Over the centuries there have been a lot of brilliant inventors… take Thomas Edison or Tim Berners-Lee for example. But the fact...
by Mark Hempshell | 13th February 2013 | Online
Kindle book publishing has to be one of the hottest opportunities of the moment. Anybody can publish a Kindle ebook. You don’t need a lot of previous experience. You don’t need a lot of cash for printing and distribution. The market for Kindle ebooks is massive and...
by Mark Hempshell | 5th February 2013 | Making Money
If you’re looking for a biz opp you need to know what’s up and coming at the moment. Here’s what our experts and researchers recommend you take a closer look at right now… * Second hand/used goods. The slump means people are more willing – or can only...
by Mark Hempshell | 5th February 2013 | Making Money
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Britain is going through what you might call a ‘bake off boom’ at the moment. Just look at all the baking and cooking related TV programmes there are. As well as a whole army of TV celebrity chefs showing us how to cook the best...
by Mark Hempshell | 5th February 2013 | Online
The Offer: “Are you looking for an opportunity with massive growth potential? Join the mobile explosion! Did you know that over 75% of the world’s population are mobile subscribers and the mobile app industry is forecast to grow by over 1,000% by 2015? In just over 3...
by Mark Hempshell | 29th January 2013 | Making Money
Back in 2008 when Julie Deane needed to make some extra money for her daughter’s education she sat down and made a list of ten, simple small business ideas… ideas which would suit her skills and could be worked from home. She decided to run not with a idea or...
by Mark Hempshell | 29th January 2013 | Making Money
Over the last few years we’ve got used to the idea of biz opps being EITHER wholly online OR wholly offline. By which I mean customers can purchase either through a website or in person, by walking into a physical store… but not always both. But today the idea of...
by Mark Hempshell | 29th January 2013 | Making Money
If you’re looking to make some extra part time/sideline cash working from home whenever it suits you, this could be well worth considering! I know that second hand goods have a bit of a downmarket image, but that’s not always strictly true in reality… Here’s why...
by Mark Hempshell | 25th January 2013 | Online
We’re big fans of the opportunities presented by Amazon’s Kindle eBook publishing platform. It really is a great opportunity to get started publishing your own eBooks in partnership with what’s now probably the biggest bookselling brand in the world. And that’s not...
by Mark Hempshell | 24th January 2013 | Making Money
One proven way to make money over the last couple of decades has been to lift business ideas from the bricks and mortar or “real” world and transplant them to the online or “virtual” world. Many people have gotten very rich by doing it. For example… all those...
by Mark Hempshell | 23rd January 2013 | Making Money
If you’re looking for a part time, home-office based business how about launching your own local free newspaper? It could be easier than you think! You see, the Internet is giving national newspapers a run for their money, but it’s absolutely hopeless for local news....